Image credit: Madmini
Whether it’s throwing his toys or food or the remote control, your little one loves to experiment with ways to see that happens when it crashes.
Why do they love it so much?
As annoying and frustrating as it is, it is actually a skill every baby will learn. It is exciting for them! They are fascinating by cause and effect. As they get older, they might toss objects to vent anger or frustration (urgh, the dreaded toddler tantrum).
If you think you can prevent them from throwing just by restricting them, it’s not going to work that way! In fact, it will only make it more tempting for them to do so. The good news is that they will outgrow this time or when the thrill wears off.
What can you do about it?
Set boundaries
Tell them that some objects are fine to throw, like a ball, paper planes (anything safe and soft), but some things are not. Also, set areas for them to do it – in their play area or outdoors.
Have consequences for throwing
Follow through with your consequences. If baby is ready to throw an object that he shouldn’t be throwing, take it away from him. Explain why it is wrong to do so. Example, ‘The remote is not your toy, please go play with your toys instead’ or ‘the blocks are hard, it will hurt someone or break something’.
If he is throwing his food on the floor, take his plate away from him and have him help to clean the mess up.
Don’t give in if he cries or whines. Instead, replace it with something else that they can play with.
Teach him ways to deal with frustrations
If the tossing habit is because of his emotions, teach him other ways to deal with his anger and encourage him to use his words to talk to you.
How to prevent it
Offer other acceptable games for them to throw. Example, ring toss, or throw the clothes into the laundry basket, or a game of catch. We should not prevent them from practicing this hand-eye coordination skill. The point is for him to have fun! Our duty as parents is just to steer him away from throwing the wrong objects!
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