So you’re mentally prepared for the labour process, but do you know how to prep yourself for the recovery period? We’ve put together some tips to help you through a speedy recovery!
It’s definitely easier said than done – especially if you’re overwhelmed with having to look after a little human being. If this is your first, it can be even more daunting trying to learn the ropes of being a mom.
Having to look after a screaming baby makes resting impossible. But make sure you find time to sleep and heal! Get support and help from family members or friends and sleep when baby sleeps. Leave the chores and washing up to some one else.
Stock up on extra maxi pads
Post-birth bleeding can feel like the flood gates have been opened. Get extra long and extra absorbent pads for more coverage and protection. Change it regularly to keep your wound clean and free from infection.
Consider disposable underwear
They might not be the most fashionable, but they will definitely come in handy. You will most likely encounter some leakage and stains from your heavy period flow. The convenience comes from having to throw it away instead of washing the stains off and adding to the pile of laundry.
Clean your lady part every time you use the toilet
When you discharge from the hospital, you’re probably given an antiseptic solution and cotton pads to clean your wound. Make this a habit to prevent infection and faster healing! Use it the first 2 weeks – your bottom will thank you for it!
Hover over the toilet seat
You will feel sore down there, there’s no doubt about that! Even sitting on the toilet will make you like your stitches will burst open. Try hovering over the seat (like in a half squat position) or lean to one side of your bottom. Make sure you have a good support! Find a position that is the most comfortable for you.
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