It is common for most parents to feel glum when it comes to the slightest discomfort of their precious baby. Do you know Cradle Cap is a common skin condition that affects most babies? Though these scales have a cute name, Cradle Cap, the condition is not as appealing as it sounds. Read on to know how you can help your baby get rid of the scaly patches and have a healthy scalp soon!
What Is Cradle Cap In Babies?
Cradle Cap refers to the thick scales of yellowish skin and greasy patches that appear on a baby’s head. Cradle Cap or seborrhoeic dermatitis, milk crust or honeycomb disease, is usually a harmless though unsightly rash that affects babies. Crusts might also be visible on the eyebrows and near the ears of the infant. The scalp becomes dry and may peel, flake or appear red. Though sometimes Cradle Cap covers the entire scalp, it usually affects just a small patch.
Contrary to the common misconception, you should not mistake it for eczema. If left untreated, Cradle Cap heals on its own. But in such cases, the probability of recurrence is higher. As your baby’s hair grows thick, it is likely that the Cradle Cap completely recedes from view.
Facts On Cradle Cap:
- Cradle Cap is a very common condition that affects 50% babies.
- Unlike infantile eczema, Cradle Cap doesn’t cause itchiness. However, it is important to clean the lesions, as it can the pave way for fungal infections in the future.
- There is no reason to worry if your baby has Cradle Cap. Some parents feel guilty for not keeping their baby clean enough. But, a baby’s hygiene has nothing to do with the occurrence of these scales.
- Most children with Cradle Cap are equally prone to diaper rashes
Causes Of Cradle Cap/How Do Babies Get Cradle Cap:
So,what causes cradle cap in babies?
- An excessive production of sebum can cause Cradle Cap. These secretions are supposed to make the skin oily and healthy. When these oils dry up, flakes plug the ducts on the scalp. As a result, the sebaceous glands secrete more oil in an effort to push the flakes, causing the development of yellowish crusts.
- If there is a case of damp heat brewing within a child’s body, it affects the top of the body. The heat dries up the sebaceous glands on the scalp and the damp heat lies below. Therefore, children suffering from Cradle Cap are also likely to develop diaper rashes simultaneously.
- Fungal infection is also another potential cause of Cradle Cap. Malassezia, is a fungus that grows in the sebum.
- Biotin deficiency is another reason for developing Cradle Cap.
- Like many other forms of skin problems, a problem in the conversion of essential fatty acids also explains the development of this rash. An enzyme deficiency makes it difficult for the linoleic acid, one important essential fatty acid, to convert into gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). Some findings prove a temporary deficiency of the enzyme, gamma-linolenic acid can cause Cradle Cap. Therefore, as a cure, some doctors prescribe GLA. Oils like that of primrose, come with added GLA to alleviate many skin ailments in babies.
- If you regularly wash your baby’s hair, she is likely to develop Cradle Cap.
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Treatment For Cradle Cap:
It is not always necessary to treat Cradle Cap. Time is the only effective cure. However, if you find them abominable,cradle cap treatment for babies involve the following methods to heal your baby’s scalp.
1. Use any baby oil for cradle cap. Apply olive oil or petroleum jelly on the baby’s scalp. Leave it overnight. Wash the baby’s hair next morning with a baby shampoo. Towel-dry her hair and gently comb the scales off. Repeat the same process every day until all the scales disappear.
2.Cradle cap shampoo for babies can be an option too to cure this problem.Some baby shampoos contain special formulations to clear Cradle Cap. You may opt for one of them, but be careful to stop the use of the product immediately if you find the skin showing any sign of irritation.
3. You may massage drops of Sorbolene or glycerine on the baby’s eyebrows and ears to remove the scales over there. During bath time, carefully remove the crust using a soft flannel.
4. Topical application of aloe vera gel is an effective remedy for Cradle Caps.
5. Applying a vitamin B6 cream or salve helps treat the skin condition.
6. Antiseborrheic shampoos like Sebulex can come in handy to cure Cradle Cap.
7. Very rarely, the scales can turn itchy. In such conditions, a steroid cream or ointment can be applied to the baby’s scalp. However, seek your doctor’s opinion before using an OTC medication.
8. A multi-vitamin and multi-mineral complex specially formulated for infants can help infants overcome any nutritional deficiency which can cause Cradle Cap.
A Word Of Caution:
- If the scales firmly stick to the scalp of your baby’s head, don’t attempt to remove the Cradle Cap by pulling it. It can cause bleeding and infection. Talk to your doctor to find a safe solution.
- Also, be careful while maintaining the hygiene of your baby’s scalp after this skin infection.
- Keep the lesions clean so that no bacterial or fungal infection occurs.
When To Seek Medical Advice:
- If you find the Cradle Cap spreads to her face, cheeks or skin fold or even the nappy areas, it is time to call your doctor. Also, watch out for stubborn and reddish patches which might indicate an infection.
- If the baby has fungal mouth infection, or fungal ear infection which doesn’t respond to antibiotics or even a persistent diaper rash, it is important to seek medical intervention.
- A severe case of Cradle Cap can cause cracking and bleeding of the skin.
- Occasionally, Cradle Cap can indicate a weak immune system. If you notice that your baby suffers from diarrhea frequently, talk to your doctor.
Tips For Nursing Mothers:
If you are breastfeeding, you may try the following methods to cure your baby’s Cradle Cap without any medication.
- Avoid eating refined sugar if you are breastfeeding your baby. Sugar is likely to accentuate the growth of bacteria and fungus.
- Breastfeeding mothers can avoid allergenic foods in their diet. Some studies indicate the allergic reactions in the mother’s body transfer through the breast milk to the infant. Therefore, it would be good for breastfeeding mothers to avoid having milk, wheat and eggs to cure Cradle Cap.
- Do not take saturated animal fats. Instead, add fish like salmon to your diet. You can also take a primrose or borage oil supplement after consulting your doctor.
- Lactobacillus acidophilus is an important ingredient to counter Cradle Cap. Therefore, it would be good if a breastfeeding mother has its capsule twice a day. Follow your doctor’s advice on dosage.
- Eat a bland diet to prevent the worsening of Cradle Cap.
Though there is no absolute way to keep Cradle Cap at bay, you may follow the guidelines to reduce its incidence.
- Keep your baby’s hair and scalp clean and dry.
- If you oil your baby’s hair regularly, don’t forget to use a mild baby shampoo afterward.
- Gently comb your baby’s hair every day to prevent scaling.
Cradle Cap is not a reason to hit the panic button. Though unpleasant to look at, try ignoring them and give it some time to disappear gradually. Relax, your baby will be fine soon!
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