Now that the little one is not so little anymore, do you miss the days where you can hold her snuggly in your arms, the smell of milk on her head? Newborn frustrations, breastfeeding pains, night regressions, are you prepared to start all over again?
Here are the most common signs that shows that you’re ready!
You’ve finally got a routine in place
Coming to terms of having a new additional to the new takes time – lots of it. Even if you’re already a parent of many, having a new baby around is entirely different and drains so much from you all the time.
Then suddenly you’ve got it all in place (not perfect, but at least it works for you) and finally you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. You have the time to hang out with the girls after work, taking care of baby alone by yourself if not so frightening anymore, in fact, it’s second nature now.
Baby has started sleeping through the night
There’s nothing more draining than nights of interrupted sleep. Even if they haven’t, your memories of broken sleep are replaced with sweet recollections of their peaceful sleeping moments. And, pictures of them snoozing away makes you miss their tiny days. You’re ready!
Pregnant women make you envious
‘Do you miss being pregnant?’ If this question was asked one month after giving birth, you’ll probably thinking ‘no wayyyy!’. But now you think of how amazing it is to be creating a new life. So, if seeing other pregnant ladies flaunt their bump makes you long for your own, it’s time to start working on it! Also, if you suddenly feel that everyone around you is getting pregnant, it’s a pretty clear indicator.
You’re going through your baby’s picture.. all the time
Nothing tugs on your ovaries quite like pictures of your baby as a newborn. The time went by so quick! It makes you feel fluttery and warm inside that you really wish you can relive that moment once again.
You’re drawn to other babies
The cutest of babies can attract our attention, even if they are not ours. You find yourself spending time scrolling through friends baby’s pictures on Instagram or playing with babies you meet in the supermarket, you’re definitely ready!
Image credit: iStock
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