If your doctor tells you you’ve gained a little too much weight than you should during your pregnancy, don’t start to panic!
You might have been taking the ‘eating for two’ a little too seriously, or sometimes you just find comfort in that midnight supper run. Whatever the reason is, all hope is not lost!
Before we dive into the ways you can deal with it, let’s us quickly go through what are the health implications of putting on too much weight:
Getting back on track
If you’re already way passed your ideal weight gain, cutting back on your calories is not the best thing to do as your baby needs the steady supply of nutrients, especially if you’re into your 2nd and 3rd trimester.
You can aim to keep your weight gain on target for the remaining time of your pregnancy by working with your doctor and come up with a meal plan. Here are a few steps you can take:
Cut empty calories
You still need the calories, but you can cut back on the fatty snacks that you’ve been indulging in. Go for healthier alternatives instead. Losing weight is not the goal here! Your aim is to slow down the rate of your weight gain.
Fill up on nutrients
Watch your portion sizes and eat the right quantities – don’t overdo it at every meal!
Pick the right food to eat
Choose foods that can fill you up and keep you filled, but also low on calories. Try fresh fruits, lean poultry, meat and fish. Oatmeal is a good breakfast option too! Cut out sugary drinks – water is all you need!
Cut back on fat
Some fat is necessary, but too much just adds on to that weight! Switch butter with margarine, choose a lighter salad dressing, skip the fried food completely!
Get active
With your doctor’s consent, make exercise a regular routine for you. Take a walk or try taking the stairs daily.
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