Many parents worry that pacifiers will harm baby’s teeth development. Truth is, it doesn’t really have any effect on a child under 2 years old.
Pacifier Pros
Pacifier Cons
When is a good age to stop?
From a dental health perspective, it’s best to limit the pacifier when a child is 2 years old and stop it entirely by the time she is 4 years old. Past age 4, pacifiers can cause an overbite, open bite, or crossbite – problems that affect chewing, speech and teeth alignment.
Methods to wean child off
1. Slowly limit the use of the pacifier
Offer the pacifier only during nap or bedtime. After a couple of weeks, stop offering it at naptime. If she fusses, try giving her her favourite toy instead, or comfort her through rocking or patting. Once your child is adjusted to this arrangement, work on bedtime.
2. Offer alternate comforts
When you first take away the pacifier, you’ll probably need to sooth her in other ways. Rocking, soft singing or patting are some ways to settle her down.
3. Create a story for them
Get creative here, mummies! This will work better if your child is old enough to understand and reason with. You could explain to your child that she is a big girl and that there are other babies out there who needs her pacifier. Get them to decorate a gift box and pack it in – make it a big deal! Be sure to offer a lot of praises and a small present to them for being so kind and generous.
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