Do you have one super producer breast while the other is barely yielding an ounce? You are not alone! Lopsided breast is a common situation. No formula can ever compare to your breast milk, it is simply the best for baby. But in order for us parents to give out the best for our child, we must also be in our best health and form.
Uneven breast milk supply is a common struggle of mothers. To balance out feeding especially if one breast produces more milk than the other is difficult. The baby usually favours a side over the other due to a lot of factors. It is commonplace yet is there a remedy for this one?
Rectify it ASAP
When you encounter lopsided breasts and uneven milk supply, make a point to correct it immediately. When you allow for some time to have one breast produce more milk than the other, it can eventually lead to premature weaning. Your other breast can gradually reduce what it produces and then dry up, which will cut your milk supply in half.
A baby grows fast and having just one breast to supply his needs will make him hungry!
Why do you get a ‘lazy boob’?
Although all breasts are created unequal and not so symmetrical, asymmetrical breasts can be unsightly. It is uncomfortable if another side can get engorged and heavy while the other one is limp and light. With breastfeeding as with other concerns involving a baby, patience is the key.
Even if a baby has consistently favoured a breast over the other for weeks, there is still hope that the idle breasts can be revived. The factors that contribute to unequal breast milk supply are mostly due to:
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How to balance out uneven milk supply?
Start on your lazy boob
One of the best ways to even out supply when one breast produces more milk is to start with the smaller or weaker breast. If the baby is picky, initially give your smaller breasts during those times when he is sleepy and hungry, such as on his night time feeding sessions.
You will be surprised on how much your baby can suck out of a small breast when hungry. It will also be better at first if he is sleepy so that he will hardly tell the difference. He will most likely empty out the weaker boob this way. The voracious sucking will likewise help that side to awaken lazy mammary glands and produce more milk later on.
Warm it
Warmth stimulates milk production. Put on a warm towel or wrap all around your weaker boob and let it there for a few minutes. You will feel a tingling sensation similar to quick engorgement when done right. One the first try, it might not be effective but it can also add just a little more milk supply after a few tries.
Add on a pump session after feeding
If baby plays favourites with your boobies, continue to stimulate the least favoured side through regular manual pumping. The dominant breast can produce way more than twice as compared to the limp one but with through pumping, it can get even. It is better to pump immediately after eating and having a warm bath.
Do not forget the other boob!
You might have paid a lot of attention to the weaker breast just to revive it but do not forget the other! This is baby’s favourite side so offer this to him once he is done emptying the smaller breast.
If he is already full (which can rarely happen if the other breast is still weaker), then pump out some. You want to balance both sides or else, the baby will again favour just one side.
Drink more water
Have a large glass with you during feeding. Sip water while feeding the baby, especially when he is latched on the smaller breast. Before you pump, make sure to drink more water, you will need it to allow your milk to flow faster.
If you had just given birth a few days ago, drinking water will also help you to have more milk and to ease the difficulties brought about by water retention.
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