See your baby growing and enjoy this wonderful phase rather than comparing her developments with other babies.
Here we shall discuss what developments your 2 months old will be going through. You can talk to your doctor about the milestones she has reached and ask about what you can expect next. Go through the following to know your 2 month old baby developmental milestones:
By the time your baby has reached 2 months you can see some significant physical developments in her:
During the time of birth the size of your baby’s brain was 25% of the size of your brain. By the time she is a year old her brain size will be 70% of the size of an adult brain.
Your baby has started communicating at this age.
Even your 2 month old has reached some of the milestones by this time. Take a look:
There are some major concerns at this age that you should be careful of. Take a look below:
You must get in touch with your doctor if you notice any of the symptoms. Early diagnosis and treatment is extremely essential.
To ensure proper growth and development, here are some things that you can do:
In case your baby does something earlier or later than other babies you know of, it should not bother you. As mentioned before, every baby develops in her own pace.
Your baby shall learn watching you and others around her. While she is bonding and getting attached to you, she also understands that she is a separate individual. Diverse experiences and your personality shall help her shape relations with others.
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Article written by Moumita Ghosh
Copyrighted Pregnancy & Baby by Mummys Market 2019