When it comes to sleep, few families are lucky enough to have a child with no sleep issues. But so you know just how important sleep is for your child’s brain development? Let us share some pointers to get your baby to adopt good sleeping habits!
Being awakened several times a night by a wailing baby is common for every parent. While that is something most parents eventually get used to, the fact that sleep is extremely important for babies. It is as vital to their growth as good nutrition!
What is healthy sleep?
Here are some pointers for helping baby to sleep soundly
Watch for signs of tiredness
If you wait too long to put baby to sleep, they may be overtired and have trouble sleeping. The myth is that children will sleep when they are tired. Often, children become ever more active when they are tired! They get whiny, fussy and uncooperative. This disturbs their concentration and moods.
Teach them the difference between day and night
Interact with baby during the day. keep the house and room bright. Don’t try to reduce the volume of noise around the house. In the day, have outdoor activities where the child is exposed to natural sunlight.
Start a bedtime routine
Observe baby for signs of sleepiness. Keep to a routine and fixed time to sleep, even during weekends. Make an exception only for special occasions. Have a simple sleep ritual – wash-up, brush teeth, bedtime story and lights off.
Avoid watching TV, playing games or mobile devices in the bedroom or on the bed.
Separate eating from sleeping
Don’t prop a bottle in your baby’s mouth when you put him to bed. It can lead to choking or ear infections!
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