Image credit: Healthhub
We parents want to do everything possible in our abilities to ensure that our kids are healthy and protected from preventable diseases – and vaccination is the best way to do that.
Vaccination in Singapore can be confusing for new parents with the different doses to be taken at certain milestones of your baby’s life and the million different types of vaccines available, will probably freak you out even further.
Knowing that certain vaccinations are free at polyclinics can also help you reduce your childcare expenses.
Let us help you break down the timeline, costs and doses in a more comprehensive and layman way.
First, let us look at the vaccinations that are compulsory in Singapore:
1. Hepatitis B – 3 doses
2. Mumps, measles, rubella (MMR) – 2 doses
3. Pneumococcal – 3 doses
4. Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus (DPT) – 4 doses
5. Polio (or Oral Sabin) – 4 doses
All those mentioned above are compulsory for your child before they enrol into Primary School.
Other than the compulsory vaccines, there are some common optional vaccines that you might want to consider as well:
1. Rotavirus – 2 doses
2. Hepatitis A – 2 doses
3. Chickenpox – 1 dose
Difference between 5-in-1 and 6-in-1
5-in-1: Combines #4, #5 and Haemophilia Influenza Type B
6-in-1: Everything in 5-in-1 and Hepatitis B
All babies given birth in Singapore will already be given 1 dose of Hep B at birth.
Costs of vaccinations: Polyclinic vs Private Clinics
Screen shot below was taken from National Healthcare Group Polyclinic that is accurate as of October 2017.
As you can see from the table above, 5-in-1 and Hepatitis B in polyclinics are FREE for Singapore Citizens!
So why do some parents still choose to go to private clinics? Perhaps they do not want to put their baby through the injection twice. Getting the vaccine done at Polyclinics means you will have to head back twice for the 5-in-1 AND Hep B.
Below are 2 examples for a better cost comparison. The costs include all compulsory and optional vaccines.
Option 1: Polyclinic
5-in-1: FREE
Pneumococcal: $150 x 3
Chickenpox: $72
Rotavirus: $95 x 2
Hep A: $66 x 2
TOTAL: $834
Option 2: Private Clinic
Note that we used the prices from the polyclinic. The costs at your chosen clinic might be different and some clinics charge for consultation and practice fee.
6-in-1: $120 x 2
5-in-1: $105 x 2
Pneumococcal: $150 x 3
MMR: $40 x 2
Chickenpox: $72
Rotavirus: $95 x 2
Hep A: $66 x 2
TOTAL $1,374
So, it is definitely more cost-effective to get your vaccinations done at the Polyclinic. Although, it is common for some parents to get the 6-in-1 vaccines done in private clinics and the remaining vaccines at Polyclinics.
You will also be happy to know that certain payable vaccines done at Polyclinics are MediSave deductible. Meaning, your routine vaccination trip to the polyclinic might actually cost you $0!
Continue to page 2 for the vaccination timeline...
Timeline for baby vaccinations
If you choose the Polyclinic, you need to bring your baby in at 1 month for the Hep B jab. However, if you choose the 6-in-1 route at private clinics, you will only need to schedule one at 2 months.
Subsequently, the clinics will schedule your vaccination appointments for you – so don’t worry too much about keeping track of it all.
Timeline for Polyclinic option
No. of doses |
At birth |
1 mth |
3 mths |
4 mths |
5 mths |
6 mths |
12 mths |
15 mths |
18 mths |
Hep B |
3 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
2 |
√ |
√ |
Pneumococcal |
3 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
5-in-1 |
4 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Timeline for Private Clinic option
No. of doses |
At birth |
2 mths |
3 mths |
4 mths |
5 mths |
6 mths |
12 mths |
15 mths |
18 mths |
Hep B |
1 |
√ |
2 |
√ |
√ |
Pneumococcal |
3 |
√ |
√ |
√ |
6-in-1 |
2 |
√ |
√ |
5-in-1 |
2 |
√ |
√ |
Note: This is just a sample schedule for reference. Some vaccines can be taken on the same visit. Your doctor or nurse will advise you accordingly.
So, Polyclinic or Private Clinic?
Pros |
Cons |
Polyclinic |
Private Clinic |
Hope this gives you a better idea of your baby’s vaccinations!
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