If you start having regular contractions that cause your cervix to begin to open before you reach 37 weeks of pregnancy, you're in preterm labour and your baby is considered premature.
It's nothing to be worried about though! About a quarter of preterm births are planned. If you or your baby has a complication and is not doing well, your doctor might decide to induce labour early or perform a cesarean section before 37 weeks. (This might happen if you have a serious medical condition.
The rest are known as spontaneous preterm births. You may end up having a spontaneous preterm birth if you go into labour prematurely, if your water breaks early, or if your cervix opens prematurely with no contractions.
You should see your health care provider immediately after you notice the following preterm labour symptoms:
If you are showing all the above symptoms of preterm labour, you should check with your doctor. It is natural to be anxious, but by taking the below steps, you can prevent preterm birth.
If symptoms do not disappear even after an hour, you should check with your doctor. Make sure you tell your doctor about all the symptoms.
The only way to know if you are in preterm labour is by examining your cervix. If cervix opens up, preterm labour can be the cause.
Though there are high end treatments to treat premature babies, there are medical interventions to prevent preterm labour. There are ways to hold the labour until your baby is completely ready.
The risk of preterm labour reduces if you wait for 18 months from the previous pregnancy. The period is between the last birth and the next conception.
Getting regular and early prenatal care can help your healthcare provider treat any risk factors and makes sure you will have a healthy pregnancy.
Avoid smoking, boozing and taking drugs as they can cause preterm labour.
Gaining excess weight will increase the chances of preeclampsia and gestational diabetes, both of which can cause preterm labour. Too little weight is also risky. The correct weight will improve the likelihood of a full-term.
Taking a prenatal supplement will enhance your overall health. Research states that folic acid supplements will reduce the risk of placental abruption that is responsible for early labour.
Having a healthy balanced diet will not only give you a healthy baby but also helps you deliver at the right time. Intake of foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids (walnuts, flax seeds, salmon, DHA eggs) is known to reduce the risk of preterm labour. Vitamin C foods (berries, citrus, bell peppers) and calcium-rich foods also help.
Pregnant women who eat at least five meals a day (five smaller, or three meals and two snacks) are at a lower risk of premature labour.
Drink as much water as you can to keep yourself hydrated.
Holding your urine, can cause bladder inflammation, and irritates the uterus leading to contractions. It can also lead to urinary infections, which are also the causes of preterm contractions.
Get rid of stress, depression and anxiety since psychological factors can affect your baby’s growth. If you remain anxious for a long period, your health gets affected and as a result, your baby may be born with low weight. Balance your life with exercise, diet, work and rest for physical and mental health.
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Article written by Saara Fatema
Copyrighted Pregnancy & Baby by Mummys Market 2019