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It is equally important to take care of your body now that baby is out in the world! The time after delivery is known as the postpartum period, and this is an entirely new phase of physical and emotional change you probably weren’t prepared for.
Here’re a few things you can expect to happen and what you can do to ensure a smooth and speedy recovery:
1. Physical And Emotional Changes
Even after giving birth, your body continues to undergo changes as your uterus starts to shrink. You will experience some painful contractions similar to period cramps. Especially so when baby latches on to breastfeed.
What should you do?
Eating nutritious meals with lots of fluids and getting enough sleep are some ways to help your body recover. Easier said than done, so get your partner involved in baby duty while you get some shut eye!
On the emotional front, you will inevitably feel overwhelmed as you’re still sore from delivery, and the lack of sleep will affect your mood. At this point, it is important to take note that you are not slipping into postnatal depression. This can develop during the first 6 months after birth and can last over a year if left untreated.
Negative emotions experienced after pregnancy should not be taken lightly. If you are not feeling yourself, don’t be afraid to seek help!
2. Breast Engorgement
Your breasts will swell with milk a couple of days after birth. Your nipples will also feel sore from breastfeeding. While this is totally normal, it can be very uncomfortable. Good news is – this feeling will improve with time! Your milk supply will regulate over time to suit baby’s need and this discomfort will get better as your body adjusts.
What should you do?
Feed baby regularly to ease engorgement. If your breasts still feel full after baby latches, try pumping to empty as much as possible. Applying a warm compress to your breasts can help as well.
3. Discomfort From Delivery Stitches
Most moms will have stitches done after delivery from vaginal tear, an episiotomy and of course, if you had a caesarean birth. Regardless of why you needed stitches, the most important thing is that you understand how to care for them and help them heal.
What should you do?
4. Weight Loss
After giving birth, you will lose about 4.5kg right away and a little more as body fluid levels decrease. Don’t expect or try to lose additional pregnancy weight right away though! Gradual weight loss over several months (some mothers takes a year) is the safest way, especially if you’re breastfeeding.
What should you do?
In the early postpartum weeks, concentrate on staying healthy. Eat nutritious foods, get enough rest and gradually return to exercising. Walking with baby in a carrier or stroller is a good way to start. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, or compare yourself to other mothers who seem to snap right back into shape (urgh, annoying I know..).
5. Sex After Pregnancy
After a natural or caesarean delivery, your body requires time to heal before having sexual intercourse. Getting yourself in the right state of mind to enjoy sex might be a challenge as you might face issues like fatigue, bleeding, pain and changes in mood and hormone levels. It is completely normal to feel like you’re not ready for sex and it is important to give yourself time.
What should you do?
As eager as he is to jump back into it, talk to your partner to ensure that he is on the same page as you. Getting back to a normal routine requires good hydration, a healthy diet and regular exercise. With patience and proper planning, you will get your mojo back eventually!
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Copyrighted Pregnancy & Baby by Mummys Market 2019